Zhibin Li's GSoC status report - # 6 of 12

Zhibin Li haoyouab at gmail.com
Mon Jul 8 14:51:08 UTC 2019

Hi all,

- Get all the general DRM ioctl decoders done. For now the code is in [1].
- Marked down those noop ioctls. But I think I have to look into the git
log history to check if they are worth decoding in older kernel (i.e. to
check if they are original noop or had been changed to noop ioctls recently.

- Double check the code in [1] to make sure they work fine and of course
tests are needed for newly added decoders.
- Make sure _IOR, _IOW, _IOWR ioctls are decoded properly because there are
some DRM ioctls marked as _IOWR but sometimes I can't see a write or a read
part in the driver code. Either all the struct members are read from kernel
or written to kernel even though they are _IOWR ioctls. That's a bit weird
to me so I have to check the whole ioctl driver carefully.

[1] https://github.com/haoyouab/strace/tree/stuff

Zhibin Li
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