JingPiao Chen's GSoC status report - #6 of 13

JingPiao Chen chenjingpiao at gmail.com
Tue Jul 11 11:39:08 UTC 2017

Hello, strace community!

Project: Netlink socket parsers.

* print unrecognized data in hex and update expected output.
* fixed packet_diag_msg, smc_diag_msg and inet_diag_req attribute decode.
* introduce TEST_NETLINK and TEST_NETLINK_ macros
* fixed NETLINK_ROUTE header messages decode using PRINT_FIELD_* macros.
* send NETLINK_CRYPTO message types and nlmsg_flags decode to mailing list.

Next week, I will fix previous code, I will do:
* print unrecognized data in hex, and update expected output.
* using TEST_NETLINK and TEST_NLATTTR macros update the test.
* separate big patch.

JingPiao Chen
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