[GSOC] Hello world!

Yun-Chih Chen b03902074 at ntu.edu.tw
Mon May 9 02:46:47 UTC 2016


    I had been wondering why QEMU could run into segmentation faults
in some architectures.  ( and I thought it only happened on me XD )
The docker approach does seem more approachable:  first crossbuild
using this hub[1], then run the binary with this[2].  I have
successfully built+run a helloworld using such approach. We might have
to customize the Dockerfile in [1] because some tools such as autoconf
is missing.  I will try this first.
    I will assume that strace supports architectures listed in [3].
The approach above only cover arm64, armel, armhf, mips, mipsel,
powerpc, ppc64el (since crossbuild-essential-* only cover these).  To
cover more architectures such as sparc, we might need gcc-multilib-xxx
and corresponding toolchains.  Any advice appreciated ( :


[1] https://hub.docker.com/r/multiarch/crossbuild/
[2] https://hub.docker.com/r/multiarch/debian-debootstrap/
[3] https://github.com/strace/strace/tree/master/qemu_multiarch_testing

On Mon, May 9, 2016 at 5:14 AM, Dmitry V. Levin <ldv at altlinux.org> wrote:

> We might end up with using both Travis CI and OBS.
> The first thing to try with Travis CI seems to be Docker based tests that
> don't involve QEMU; this should be relatively straightforward.
> OBS approach might not need Docker at all because they provide quite a few
> repositories to build for.
> QEMU based tests are more interesting, but less trivial; this will likely
> involve fixing and/or working around QEMU bugs.
> What are you going to try first?

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