Testings on multiple architectures

Yun-Chih Chen b03902074 at ntu.edu.tw
Thu Aug 18 15:05:45 UTC 2016

> I would like to use your work to test strace on every supported architecture
> you have since I have some architecture dependent code on the go. Have you any
> advice on which repositories I should take? I saw that some of them got
> disabled, while others are blocked or unresolvable.
Please use Fedora 23 x86_64; I have also tested OpenSUSE 13.2 x86_64
before, but not guaranteed to work now.  The script "fork-project.sh"
included in my document[1] will actually copy my package meta data
into the new package.  So, you can simply run that script and it will
add Fedora 23 x86_64 automatically.
Thanks to your previous reminder, I've updated the doc ( :  The reason
why it is shown as "unresolvable" is that they depend on their
Buildroot companion(buildroot-[ARCH]), which take some time to build.
When the build finish, the strace-[ARCH] package will then build.


[1] https://www.csie.ntu.edu.tw/~yunchih/gsoc/usage.html

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