Regarding the --syscall-limit option

Sahil Siddiq icegambit91 at
Sat Apr 1 19:15:03 UTC 2023


On Thursday, 30 March 2023 10:25:22 IST you wrote:
> [...]
> The options I have thought of are:
> 1. to simply let "init" become the parent of the orphaned tracee after
> strace terminates. But if the detached tracee is interactive, it may
> interfere with current shell.
> 2. to stop the tracee after strace terminates (which is probably not
> desired).
> 3. to let strace run and remain as the parent of the tracee without tracing
> more syscalls. In this case, strace would have detached from the tracees
> but it won't terminate. (I have understood that "-b execve" is per-tracee
> and not global. However, I noticed that if every child/thread invokes
> execve and "-b execve" detaches from all of those threads, strace still
> remains the parent and does not terminate. In this case, strace would sleep
> for a minute even after detaching from tracee in
> "strace--syscall-limit.test"
> Which approach would you suggest? Or is there another way that I could try
> out?

Perf trace has an option called --max-events which is similar to --syscall-limit. I
went throught perf's code in the linux git repository to see how it's been
implemented there. In their implementation too, perf trace terminates after the
specified number of syscalls while the tracee is reparented to init. I played around
with this option and noticed that the tracee interferes with the controlling terminal
when using this option in perf trace as well. Given this, would approach 1 be good


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