GSOC-Introduction Myself

heng zhang byone.heng at
Sat Mar 14 05:43:54 UTC 2020

Hello everyone!
I am Jack, 21 years old, 3rd-year student majoring in computer science at Wuhan University. I have done some work on operating systems in my colleague, such as, a modern reimplementation of Sixth Edition Unix in C and ASM.I have a strong interest in operating system programming and have some experience for it. What is more, I have mastered the following languages and skills.

C/C++ in Linux
Operating system principle and Linux operating system interface
Strace is a wonderful project, which is very useful to debug program. I think I have the ability to contribute to strace. Recently, I am planning to submit some code to the project.

Finally, I very glad to join Strace Community! Thanks all!

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