Zhibin Li's GSoC status report - #8 of 12

Zhibin Li haoyouab at gmail.com
Mon Jul 22 16:02:45 UTC 2019

Hi all,

- Finished all the general decoding, including the DRM ioctl entries added
in Linux 5.2.
- All the checks and tests of general DRM ioctl decoding are done.
- Did some research on nouveau and amdgpu (but I found there are really not
much docs and manuals about nouveau).
- Wrote some initial demo for nouveau and amdgpu, but unfortunately not all
of them worked as expected.

- Go back to finish the rest of i915 decoding.
- Maybe dive deep into the source code of nouveau because I can't find many
docs about it. And the demo I wrote obviously showed many problems.
- The next step is amdgpu drm ioctl.

Zhibin Li
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