JingPiao Chen's GSoC status report - #13 of 13

JingPiao Chen chenjingpiao at gmail.com
Tue Aug 29 07:06:49 UTC 2017

Hello, strace community!

Project: Netlink socket parsers.

Fixed the code of decode NETLINK_ROUTE netlink attribute.

My Work Product Submission [1]. Cut and paste the TODO here.

* Read the code, fix the bug. "Given enough eyeballs, all bugs are shallow".
* Extend to support more netlink family protocols.
* Further decode some fields, such as cru_type, cru_mask and cru_flags.
* Further decode NETLINK_KOBJECT_UEVENT. (libudev and kernel messages.)
* Extend or redesign general netlink attribute decoder for decode attribute that
  depend on other attribute.

[1] https://ppiao.github.io/2017/08/22/strace-gsoc-2017-netlink-socket-parser.html
JingPiao Chen

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