RFC strace via gdbserver

Josh Stone jistone at redhat.com
Wed Nov 9 18:28:02 UTC 2016

On 11/02/2016 11:54 AM, Stan Cox wrote:
>> Additionally, support for qualifying expressions (-e expr) and following
>> children (-f) will be pushed soon.
> -f and -e support has been added to the gdbserver remote protocol backend in the strace branch at https://github.com:stanfordcox/strace

Can you explain your -f changes?

I see you're alternating QCatchSyscalls:1 or QCatchSyscalls:2 -- what
are these values?  Has this protocol change gone into gdb upstream, or
just your own gdb branch?

I'm surprised to see changes to syscall handling for -f though.  I'd
have thought we just needed to add fork-events+ and vfork-events+ to our
qSupported string.

PS- on git procedure, I've been periodically rebasing my branch to keep
a cleaner, more current history compared to strace master.  In your last
update, you *merged* changes on an old branch state to the current
branch, which tangles all that up.  I'd suggest you either rebase or
reset and cherry-pick new changes, so we can keep it easier to see what
the gdbserver changes are.

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