Sending signals on syscalls

Dmitry V. Levin ldv at
Sat Dec 24 13:59:21 UTC 2016


On Sat, Dec 24, 2016 at 01:29:24PM +0100, Seraphime Kirkovski wrote:
> Hello straces devs !
> Recently, I had to do some reverse engineering on a malware for 
> a somewhat exotic platform. As the malware had its .text encrypted my 
> only possibility was strace. As always, it helped me to
> understand the binary, but after I knew what it did, I couldn't do much 
> more because I couldn't see the decrypted code section. What I would 
> have liked to do is send a coredump-ing signal when I think the code is 
> completely decrypted, i.e. before a call to munmap, after an open call 
> or something like this, or simply stop the process in order to attach 
> gdb. (This isn't always possible: often, malware writers fork() before
> the main routine, which makes it more difficult to attach a debugger, as 
> the pid changes, furthermore, if the text section is not decrypted the 
> debugger would mess up checksums/keys/whatever.)
> So I thought of extending strace like this:
> 	strace -e sigonsys=<before|after>:<SYSCALL>:<SIG> ./a.out
> sigonsys: specifies the signal SIG to be sent before or after a syscall 
> SYSCALL is done.
> Example:
> 	strace -f -e sigonsys=after:open:SIGSEGV ./a.out
> This sends a SIGSEGV after a call to open(2).
> I've already taken a shot at it. And I've identified some limitations
> that
> 	1) probably cannot be overcome from userpace
> 	2) are due to the racy nature of what I'm trying to do
> 	3) show some flaws in the kernel
> First, the before parameter doesn't change anything in practice. In most 
> cases the offending syscall will be executed, checking at the very end 
> of the kernel procedure whether there are any pending signals. This 
> yields some strange results. For instance,
> 	int main(void)
> 	{
> 		puts("hello");
> 	}
> run with strace -e sigonsys=before:write:SIGSEGV, gives the following 
> result:
> 	...
> 	write(1, "hello\n", 6) hello
> That it is, the syscall succeeds, it writes "hello" to stdout and before
> returning to userspace it checks for pending signals, there is one, so 
> it returns ERESTARTSYS, which is apparently stupid.
> Another problem I found is related to the fact that signals are not 
> delivered immediately. Consider the following program
> 	int main(void)
> 	{
> 		puts("aaaa");
> 		puts("bbbb");
> 	}
> Strace outputs:
> 	..
> 	write(1, "aaaa\n", 5) aaaa = -ERESTARTSYS
> 	bbbb

> Or even worse,
> 	int main(void)
> 	{
> 		puts("aaaa");
> 		_exit(0);
> 		puts("bbbb");
> 	}
> when run with
> 	strace -e sigonsys=before:write:SIGSEGV ./a.out
> yields as expected:
> 	write(1, "aaaa\n", 5) aaaa = -RESTARTSYS
> But when piped like so
> 	strace -e sigonsys=before:write:SIGSEGV ./a.out | less
> gives:
> 	group_exit(0)  = ??? (no write at all)
> ( I ran those examples on x86_64 and 4.7.0-1 kernel )

That's because of the test program itself,
./a.out | cat
won't produce any output either.

> That being said, I think this option may help kernel developers as well.
> What are your thoughts on extending strace like this ? Is it worth it ?
> Do you have any ideas how I may overcome some of these difficulties ?

I'd rather extended new -efault= syntax with :signal= option.

> Currently, I modified the sources so the signal is send through 
> ptrace(<GET|SET>SIGINFO... and ptrace_restart afterwards. I tried adding

There is no need to do additional PTRACE_SETSIGINFO calls, one can pass
the signal along with PTRACE_SYSCALL call in restart_tracee.

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