[PATCH] Improve decoding of Android's PR_SET_VMA prctl.

enh enh at google.com
Wed Apr 6 21:52:09 UTC 2016


  prctl(0x53564d41 /* PR_??? */, 0, 0x7f8ab53000, 4096,
        "atexit handlers") = 0


  prctl(PR_SET_VMA, PR_SET_VMA_ANON_NAME, 0x7fa8cbd000, 4096,
        "atexit handlers") = 0

* prctl.c: hard-code PR_SET_VMA_ANON_NAME, the only current sub-option.
* xlat/prctl_options.in: add the PR_SET_VMA constant.
 prctl.c               | 6 +-----
 xlat/prctl_options.in | 1 +
 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
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