Advice on "Comprehensive test suite"

Kai Zhao loverszhao at
Thu Mar 5 00:30:46 UTC 2015


  I am Kai Zhao, and I am a third-year graduate student in Beijing
University of Posts and Telecommunications, China.
I am eager to take the "Comprehensive test suite" project for I have
related experience.

      C/C++          :  Strong (I have coded more than 100 thousand lines
in two project)

      Fuzz Testing:  My graduation project is about Fuzz Testing, and I
have 2 year experience in Fuzz Testing, for my
                              internships involves Fuzz Testing in industry
security at Siemens from 2012 to 2014.

Thank you for give me some advice on the project.

motto:You got a dream and you gotta protect it.
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