Inserting arbitrary messages into strace output

Justin Dearing zippy1981 at
Fri Dec 19 03:17:58 UTC 2014


Inspired by a feature of the windows utility process monitor, Id like a
simple elegant way to insert arbitrary streams of text into strace output.
Basically, I want to insert "GOT HERE" messaged into strace output. The
procmon feature is described here (

Specifically what I propose is as follows

strace by default will open the  named pipe /tmp/straceProfiling.X for
reading, creating it if it does not exist. X will be the pid of the child
process. any data written to that named pipe, gets immediaty flushed to the
strace output preceded with MSG: There will be a switch to name the socket,
a switch to disable it, and a switch to change the message prefix.

Does this sound like a useful feature request?


Justin Dearing
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