[PATCH] implementations of the 13 openat syscalls + inotify

Bernhard Kaindl bk at suse.de
Tue Mar 28 11:55:03 UTC 2006

Better understandble that way:

I generated the i386 syscallent.h entries using the syscallent.sh
script which is included in the strace source tarball and hacked
it quickly to allow me to retrieve the number of args which the
system call takes from a table of system calls which is used in
an implementation which is used in the kernel, so all info in the
added entries for the i386 syscallent.h file were autogenerated,
and I checked the source yesterday to have the correct number
of arguments. Lession learned by that: don't use some mails
which announce the system calls as documentation, use a real
working implementation and check the source.


> I generated the syscallent.sh which is included in straces
> and hacked it quickly to allow me to retrieve the number of
> args check the system call takes from a kernel system call
> implementation.

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