-o overwrites file

Kai Seidler oswald at apachefriends.org
Tue Nov 11 05:05:04 UTC 2003

Dear strace-Deveopment-Team!

Thanks for such a great tool like strace. Without I couldn't live. ;)

But I just found a small kind of bug:

If you call strace with invalid command line parameter strace will 
also overwrite the file given by the -o option. For example I just

strace -o /opt/lampp/bin/httpd

to trace the Apache webserver. But I missed the output file (or the
binary - just as you like). So strace showed me the Usage output and
made me aware of my mistake. After that /opt/lampp/bin/httpd was empty.

I think this behaviour is not okay. It's not really bad. But.. you 
know... ;)


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